In the inaugural episode of “Direct with Corrina and Taylor,” the hosts welcome Amber Rhodes, Social Media & Communications Manager at UserGems. Amber, a passionate mental health advocate, discusses her journey to create a podcast dedicated to mental health, “Everything’s Coming Up Marketing.” She emphasizes the importance of open, judgment-free conversations about mental well-being in professional settings, and how these discussions impact life outside of work.
Amber shares her struggles with self-doubt and acceptance, particularly as a content creator. Despite her insecurities, she finds the podcasting process therapeutic and empowering, even as an introvert. The podcast serves as a platform for her to share her thoughts and experiences, providing her with insights and a sense of empowerment.
Looking ahead, Amber envisions the growth of her podcast, aiming to reach a wider audience. She acknowledges the importance of listener support and sponsorship for the podcast’s growth and to continue offering valuable resources to her audience. She hopes to improve the quality of her podcast and extend its impact, fostering a space for mental health conversations in the professional world.